Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Budgeting Policy in Managing a Business

Budgeting is one of the fundamental concepts in managing a business and it is often up to the budgeting policies that the managers decides upon that will conclude where the company is going to make it in the industry or not. The budgeting policy a company decides upon will show the top management team where the money is being spent and, even more importantly, it will show the team prior to the spending actually occurring. If we refer to the four management functions (organizing, planning, directing and controlling), budgeting covers all four of them. Indeed, a responsible manager will be able to apply all four functions in what the budgeting policy is concerned. First of all, the top management will need to determine what the company's budget for the future period of time will be. This will need to take into consideration both the company's possible revenues during this time and the expansion strategy that the team has decided upon. It may be the case that the management team has designed an expansion on the market that will take up more of the resources than otherwise. While this may be the case, the spending must be determined by realistic plans and future achievements. Second of all, the top management team needs to organize the portfolio of projects and the investments it wants to develop in the subsequent period of time. Organizing the portfolio of projects also refers to determining (1) which projects of the portfolio will be done and (2) with what priority. Before the actual spending and investing begins, the company needs to have a organized set of future spending steps. The planning functions intervene in terms of properly determining the evolution of projects' costs in the period to come. Budgeting helps plan projects' costs so that we don't arrive at a situation where the company's finance is overwhelmed by costs during a period of time. In terms of directing, budgeting ensures that the funds are used where they are most necessary. Directing also refers to leading and the budgeting policies are direct means by which the top management leads within the company. Finally, the controlling function is essential in budgeting policies and strategies. Indeed, the controlling function ensures that the budget and the budgeting policies, previously established and decided upon, are fully respected. There is no point in having a healthy financial system within the company, corresponding to a well-planned budget, if this budget is regularly underestimated or overspent. The controlling function will keep track of projects' cost evolution, track down any inadvertence's that may appear and correct them in time. As we have seen from those previously presented, the budgeting function within the company is not only intrinsically linked to management, but the main functions of management are also reflected in a company's budgeting policies. It is essential, as pointed out, that the company properly analyzes what its sources are, how much of them it is willing to spend and, additionally, what future results and added value the investments will bring at a certain point in the future, in terms of the rate of return. A healthy budgeting strategy will lead to a healthy financial situation of the company and a solid development strategy for the future. Budgeting should be where every company strategy should begin.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

3 D Optical Storage

3-D OPTICAL DATA STORAGE TECHNOLOGY * *ABSTRACT 3D optical data storage is the term given to any form of optical data storage in which information can be recorded and/or read with three dimensional resolution (as opposed to the two dimensional resolution afforded, for example, by CD). Current optical data storage media, such as the CD and DVD store data as a series of reflective marks on an internal surface of a disc. In order to increase storage capacity, it is possible for discs to hold two or even more of these data layers, but their number is severely limited since the addressing laser interacts with every layer that it passes through on the way to and from the addressed layer. These interactions cause noise that limits the technology to approximately 10 layers. 3D optical data storage methods circumvent this issue by using addressing methods where only the specifically addressed voxel (volumetric pixel) interacts substantially with the addressing light. This necessarily involves nonlinear data reading and writing methods, in particular non linear optics. 3D optical data storage is related to (and competes with) holographic data storage. Traditional examples of holographic storage do not address in the third dimension, and are therefore not strictly â€Å"3D†, but more recently 3D holographic storage has been realized by the use of microholograms. Layer-selection multilayer technology (where a multilayer disc has layers that can be individually activated e. g. electrically) is also closely related. This innovation has the potential to provide terabyte-level mass storage on DVD-sized disks. Data recording and readback are achieved by focusing lasers within the medium. However, because of the volumetric nature of the data structure, the laser light must travel through other data points before it reaches the point where reading or recording is desired. Therefore, some kind of nonlinearity is required to ensure that these other data points do not interfere with the addressing of the desired point. 1. Overview: Current optical data storage media, such as the CD and DVD store data as a series of reflective marks on an internal surface of a disc. In order to increase storage capacity, it is possible for discs to hold two or even more f these data layers, but their number is severely limited since the addressing laser interacts with every layer that it passes through on the way to and from the addressed layer. These interactions cause noise that limits the technology to approximately 10 layers. 3D optical data storage methods circumvent this issue by using addressing methods w here only the specifically addressed voxel (volumetric pixel) interacts substantially with the addressing light. This necessarily involves nonlinear data reading and writing methods, in particular nonlinear optics. 3D optical data storage is related to (and competes with) holographic data storage. Traditional examples of holographic storage do not address in the third dimension, and are therefore not strictly â€Å"3D†, but more recently 3D holographic storage has been realized by the use of microholograms. Layer-selection multilayer technology (where a multilayer disc has layers that can be individually activated e. g. electrically) is also closely related. Schematic representation of a cross-section through a 3D optical storage disc (yellow) along a data track (orange marks). Four data layers are seen, with the laser currently addressing the third from the top. The laser passes through the first two layers and only interacts with the third, since here the light is at a high intensity. As an example, a prototypical 3D optical data storage system may use a disk that looks much like a transparent DVD. The disc contains many layers of information, each at a different depth in the media and each consisting of a DVD-like spiral track. In order to record information on the disc a laser is brought to a focus at a particular depth in the media that corresponds to a particular information layer. When the laser is turned on it causes a photochemical change in the media. As the disc spins and the read/write head moves along a radius, the layer is written just as a DVD-R is written. The depth of the focus may then be changed and another entirely different layer of information written. The distance between layers may be 5 to 100 micrometers, allowing >100 layers of information to be stored on a single disc. In order to read the data back (in this example), a similar procedure is used except this time instead of causing a photochemical change in the media the laser causes fluorescence. This is achieved e. g. by using a lower laser power or a different laser wavelength. The intensity or wavelength of the fluorescence is different depending on whether the media has been written at that point, and so by measuring the emitted light the data is read. It should be noted that the size of individual chromophore molecules or photoactive color centers is much smaller than the size of the laser focus (which is determined by the diffraction limit). The light therefore addresses a large number (possibly even 109) of molecules at any one time, so the medium acts as a homogeneous mass rather than a matrix structured by the positions of chromophores. 2. History: The origins of the field date back to the 1950s, when Yehuda Hirshberg developed the photochromic spiropyrans and suggested their use in data storage. [3] In the 1970s, Valeri Barachevskii demonstrated that this photochromism could be produced by two-photon excitation, and finally at the end of the 1980s Peter T. Rentzepis showed that this could lead to three-dimensional data storage. [5] This proof-of-concept system stimulated a great deal of research and development, and in the following decades many academic and commercial groups have worked on 3D optical data storage products and technologies. Most of the developed systems are based to some extent on the original ideas of Rentzepis. A wide range of physical phenomena for data reading and recording have been investigated, large numbers of chemical systems for the medium have been developed and evaluated, and extensive work has been carried out in solving the problems associated with the optical systems required for the reading and recording of data. Currently, several groups remain working on solutions with various levels of development and interest in commercialization. *3. Processes for creating written data*: Data recording in a 3D optical storage medium requires that a change take place in the medium upon excitation. This change is generally a photochemical reaction of some sort, although other possibilities exist. Chemical reactions that have been investigated include photoisomerizations, photodecompositions and photobleaching, and polymerization initiation. Most investigated have been photochromic compounds, which include azobenzenes, spiropyrans, stilbenes, fulgides and diarylethenes. If the photochemical change is reversible, then rewritable data storage may be achieved, at least n principle. Also, multilevel recording, where data is written in ‘grayscale’ rather than as ‘on’ and ‘off’ signals, is technically feasible. 3. 1 Writing by non*-*resonant multiphoton absorption Although there are many nonlinear optical phenomena, only multiphoton absorption is capable of injecting into the media the significant energy required to electronically excite molecular species and cause chemical reactions. Two-photon absorption is the strongest multiphoton absorbance by far, but still it is a very weak phenomenon, leading to low media sensitivity. Therefore, much research has been directed at providing chromophores with high two-photon absorption cross-sections. Two photon absorption (TPA) is the simultaneous absorption of two photons of identical or different frequencies in order to excite a molecule from one state (usually the ground state) to a higher energy electronic state. The energy difference between the involved lower and upper states of the molecule is equal to the sum of the energies of the two photons. Two-photon absorption is a second-order processes several orders of magnitude weaker than linear absorption. It differs from linear absorption in that the strength of absorption depends on the square of the light intensity, thus it is a nonlinear optical process Writing by 2-photon absorption can be achieved by focusing the writing laser on the point where the photochemical writing process is required. The wavelength of the writing laser is chosen such that it is not linearly absorbed by the medium, and therefore it does not interact with the medium except at the focal point. At the focal point 2-photon absorption becomes significant, because it is a nonlinear process dependent on the square of the laser fluence. Writing by 2-photon absorption can also be achieved by the action of two lasers in coincidence. This method is typically used to achieve the parallel writing of information at once. One laser passes through the media, defining a line or plane. The second laser is then directed at the points on that line or plane that writing is desired. The coincidence of the lasers at these points excited 2-photon absorption, leading to writing photochemistry. 3. 2 Writing by sequential multiphoton absorption Another approach to improving media sensitivity has been to employ resonant wo-photon absorption (also known as â€Å"1+1† or â€Å"sequential† 2-photon absorbance). Nonresonant two-photon absorption (as is generally used) is weak since in order for excitation to take place, the two exciting photons must arrive at the chromophore at almost exactly the same time. This is because the chromophore is unable to interact with a single photon alone. However, if the chromophore has an ene rgy level corresponding to the (weak) absorption of one photon then this may be used as a stepping stone, allowing more freedom in the arrival time of photons and therefore a much higher sensitivity. However, this approach results in a loss of nonlinearity compared to nonresonant 2-photon absorbance (since each 1-photon absorption step is essentially linear), and therefore risks compromising the 3D resolution of the system. 3. 3 Microholography In microholography, focused beams of light are used to record submicrometre-sized holograms in a photorefractive material, usually by the use of collinear beams. The writing process may use the same kinds of media that are used in other types of holographic data storage, and may use 2-photon processes to form the holograms. . 4 Data recording during manufacturing Data may also be created in the manufacturing of the media, as is the case with most optical disc formats for commercial data distribution. In this case, the user cannot write to the disc – it is a ROM format. Data may be written by a nonlinear optical method, but in this case the use of very high power lasers is acceptable so media sensitivity becomes less of an issue. The fabrication of discs containing data molded or printed into their 3D structure has also been demonstrated. For example, a disc containing data in 3D may be constructed by sandwiching together a large number of wafer-thin discs, each of which is molded or printed with a single layer of information. The resulting ROM disc can then be read using a 3D reading method. 3. 5 Other approaches to writing Other techniques for writing data in three-dimensions have also been examined, including: Persistent *spectral** **hole burning* (PSHB), which also allows the possibility of spectral multiplexing to increase data density. However, PSHB media currently requires extremely low temperatures to be maintained in order to avoid data loss. Void* formation, where microscopic bubbles are introduced into a media by high intensity laser irradiation. [7] Chromophore poling, where the laser-induced reorientation of chromophores in the media structure leads to readable changes. *4. Processes for reading data*: The reading of data from 3D optical memories has been carried out in many different ways. While some of these rely on the nonlinearity of the light-matter interaction to obtain 3D resolution, others use methods that spatially filter the media's linear response. Reading methods include: Two photon absorption (resulting in either absorption or fluorescence). This method is essentially two-photon-microscopy. Linear excitation of fluorescence with confocal detection. This method is essentially confocal laser scanning microscopy. It offers excitation with much lower laser powers than does two-photon absorbance, but has some potential problems because the addressing light interacts with many other data points in addition to the one being addressed. Measurement of small differences in the refractive index between the two data states. This method usually employs a phase contrast microscope or confocal reflection microscope. No absorption of light is necessary, so there is no risk of damaging data while reading, but the required refractive index mismatch in the disc may limit the thickness (i. e. number of data layers) that the media can reach due to the accumulated random wavefront errors that destroy the focused spot quality. Second harmonic generation has been demonstrated as a method to read data written into a poled polymer matrix. Optical coherence tomography has also been demonstrated as a parallel reading method. *5. Media *design: The active part of 3D optical storage media is usually an organic polymer either doped or grafted with the photochemically active species. Alternatively, crystalline and sol-gel materials have been used. 5. 1 Media form factor Media for 3D optical data storage have been suggested in several form factors: Disc. A disc media offers a progression from CD/DVD, and allows reading and writing to be carried out by the familiar spinning disc method. Card. A credit card form factor media is attractive from the point of view of portability and convenience, but would be of a lower capacity than a disc. Crystal, Cube or Sphere. Several science fiction writers have suggested small solids that store massive amounts of information, and at least in principle this could be achieved with 3D optical data storage. 5. 2 Media manufacturing The simplest method of manufacturing – the molding of a disk in one piece – is a possibility for some systems. A more complex method of media manufacturing is for the media to be constructed layer by layer. This is required if the data is to be physically created during manufacture. However, layer-by-layer construction need not mean the sandwiching of many layers together. Another alternative is to create the medium in a form analogous to a roll of adhesive tape. *6. Drive design*: A drive designed to read and write to 3D optical data storage media may have a lot in common with CD/DVD drives, particularly if the form factor and data structure of the media is similar to that of CD or DVD. However, there are a number of notable differences that must be taken into account when designing such a drive, including: Laser. Particularly when 2-photon absorption is utilized, high-powered lasers may be required that can be bulky, difficult to cool, and pose safety concerns. Existing optical drives utilize continuous wave diode lasers operating at 780 nm, 658 nm, or 405 nm. 3D optical storage drives may require solid-state lasers or pulsed lasers, and several examples use wavelengths easily available by these technologies, such as 532 nm (green). These larger lasers can be difficult to integrate into the read/write head of the optical drive. Variable spherical aberration correction. Because the system must address different depths in the medium, and at different depths the spherical aberration induced in the wavefront is different, a method is required to dynamically account for these differences. Many possible methods exist that include optical elements that swap in and out of the optical path, moving elements, adaptive optics, and immersion lenses. Optical system. In many examples of 3D optical data storage systems, several wavelengths (colors) of light are used (e. g. eading laser, writing laser, signal; sometimes even two lasers are required just for writing). Therefore, as well as coping with the high laser power and variable spherical aberration, the optical system must combine and separate these different colors of light as required. Detection. In DVD drives, the signal produced from the disc is a reflection of the addressing laser beam, and is therefore very intense. For 3D optical storage however, the signal mus t be generated within the tiny volume that is addressed, and therefore it is much weaker than the laser light. In addition, fluorescence is radiated in all directions from the addressed point, so special light collection optics must be used to maximize the signal. Data tracking. Once they are identified along the z-axis, individual layers of DVD-like data may be accessed and tracked in similar ways to DVD discs. The possibility of using parallel or page-based addressing has also been demonstrated. This allows much faster data transfer rates, but requires the additional complexity of spatial light modulators, signal imaging, more powerful lasers, and more complex data handling. *7. Development issues*: Despite the highly attractive nature of 3D optical data storage, the development of commercial products has taken a significant length of time. This results from limited financial backing in the field, as well as technical issues, including: Destructive reading. Since both the reading and the writing of data are carried out with laser beams, there is a potential for the reading process to cause a small amount of writing. In this case, the repeated reading of data may eventually serve to erase it (this also happens in phase change materials used in some DVDs). This issue has been addressed by many approaches, such as the use of different absorption bands for each process (reading and writing), or the use of a reading method that does not involve the absorption of energy. Thermodynamic stability. Many chemical reactions that appear not to take place in fact happen very slowly. In addition, many reactions that appear to have happened can slowly reverse themselves. Since most 3D media are based on chemical reactions, there is therefore a risk that either the unwritten points will slowly become written or that the written points will slowly revert to being unwritten. This issue is particularly serious for the spiropyrans, but extensive research was conducted to find more stable chromophores for 3D memories. Media sensitivity. 2-photon absorption is a weak phenomenon, and therefore high power lasers are usually required to produce it. Researchers typically use Ti-sapphire lasers or Nd:YAG lasers to achieve excitation, but these instruments are not suitable for use in consumer products. *8. Academic development*: Much of the development of 3D optical data storage has been carried out in universities. The groups that have provided valuable input include: Peter T. Rentzepis was the originator of this field, and has recently developed materials free from destructive readout. *Watt W. Webb* co developed the two-photon microscope in Bell Labs, and showed 3D recording on photorefractive media. Masahiro Irie developed the diarylethene family of photochromic materials. [13] Yoshimasa Kawata, *Satoshi Kawata* and Zouheir Sekkat have developed and worked on several optical data manipulation systems, in particular involving poled polymer systems. 14] Kevin C Belfield is developing photochemical systems for 3D optical data storage by the use of resonance energy transfer between molecules, and also develops high 2-photon cross-section materials. Seth Marder performed much of the early work developing logical approaches to the molecular design of high 2-photon cross-section chromophores. Tom Milster has made many contributions to the theory of 3D optical data storage. Robert McLeod has examine d the use of microholograms for 3D optical data storage. Min Gu has examined confocal readout and methods for its enhancement. 9 Commercial development*: In addition to the academic research, several companies have been set up to commercialize 3D optical data storage and some large corporations have also shown an interest in the technology. However, it is not yet clear whether the technology will ever come to market in the presence of competition from other quarters such as hard drives, flash storage, holographic storage and internet-based storage. Examples of 3D optical data storage media. Top row – Written Call/Recall media; Mempile media. Middle row – FMD; D-Data DMD and drive. Bottom row – Landauer media; Microholas media in action. Call/Recall was founded in 1987 on the basis of Peter Rentzepis' research. Using 2-photon recording (at 25 Mbit/s with 6. 5 ps, 7 nJ, 532 nm pulses), 1-photon readout (with 635 nm), and a high NA (1. 0) immersion lens, they have stored 1 TB as 200 layers in a 1. 2 mm thick disk. [23] They aim to improve capacity to >5 TB and data rates to up to 250 Mbit/s within a year, by developing new materials as well as high-powered pulsed blue laser diodes. Mempile are developing a commercial system with the name TeraDisc. In March 2007, they demonstrated the recording and readback of 100 layers of information on a 0. mm thick disc, as well as low crosstalk, high sensitivity, and thermodynamic stability. [25] They intend to release a red-laser 0. 6-1. 0 TB consumer product in 2010, and have a roadmap to a 5 TB blue-laser product. [26] *Constellation 3D* developed the Fluorescent Multilayer Disc at the end of the 1990s, which was a ROM disk, manufactured layer by layer. The company failed in 200 2, but the intellectual property (IP) was acquired by D-Data Inc. who are attempting to introduce it as the Digital Multilayer Disk (DMD). Storex Technologies has been set up to develop 3D media based on fluorescent photosensitive glasses and glass-ceramic materials. The technology derives from the patents of the Romanian scientist Eugen Pavel, who is also the founder and CEO of the company. First results, 40 nm marks recorded into 3D virtual layers separated by 700 nm, were presented in October 2009 at the ISOM2009 conference. Landauer inc. are developing a media based on resonant 2-photon absorption in a sapphire single crystal substrate. In May 2007, they showed the recording of 20 layers of data using 2 nJ of laser energy (405 nm) for each mark. The reading rate is limited to 10 Mbit/s because of the fluorescence lifetime. Colossal Storage aim to develop a 3D holographic optical storage technology based on photon induced electric field poling using a far UV laser to obtain large improvements over current data capacity and transfer rates, but as yet they have not presented any experimental research or feasibility study. Microholas operates out of the University of Berlin, under the leadership of Prof Susanna Orlic, and has achieved the recording of up to 75 layers of microholographic data, separated by 4. micrometres, and suggesting a data density of 10 GB per layer. [33] 3DCD Technology Pty. Ltd. is a university spin-off set up to develop 3D optical storage technology based on materials identified by Daniel Day and Min Gu. Several large technology companies such as Fuji, Ricoh and Matsushita have applied for patents on 2-photon-responsive materials for applications including 3D optical data storage, however they have not giv en any indication that they are developing full data storage solutions.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Develop an Export Strategy for an Organisation Essay - 4

Develop an Export Strategy for an Organisation - Essay Example The Board of Directors should be cognizant of the recent economic crisis that destroyed the financial platforms for many countries in EU. However, Sweden avoided financial crisis through watertight and strong economic foothold. According to OECD Economic Surveys (2013), the country GDP is expected to grow by 2.5 percent by the end 2015, which is a great mileage that any economic giant in EU could achieve. The country aims at reducing the levels of unemployment though the current rate averages at 8.5 percent. The organization targets to concentrate on manufacturing and engineering services. Schön, (2012) argues that the Swedish economy has grown over the years to become one of the advanced nations in the engineering manufacturing. The organization also aims at participating in the efforts to eliminate unemployment rates in Sweden. Will not only the export-entry strategy feature provision of employment for the locals but also match with the increasing need for services that are in tandem with advanced information communications technology. The exportation will feature a direct strategy for products in the manufacturing and engineering sector. The country has a high demand for the services and a long-standing tradition in mining, shipbuilding and IT products. The products must be in keeping with the sustainability and earth-friendly innovations and competitive in terms of price and quality (Schön, 2012). Additionally, the export strategy recognizes the international trade theories. The process of developing an export strategy for Sweden was informed by the international trading theory, which includes country similarity and product life cycle theories. Being an Asian form calls for a strategy that features expansion to the competitive global market. The strategy also acknowledges the trade flows that include customer loyalty, advanced technology, and quality. Country similarity theory is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Critique of Vita Wallaces Give Children the Vote Essay

Critique of Vita Wallaces Give Children the Vote - Essay Example In her article, she presents her views on the significance of educating children and giving every child the right to vote. Wallace says that in passing the law against child labor and provision for compulsory schooling, the involved, which she refers to as well-meaning people aimed at protecting every child from any form of exploitation. She believes that the decision about schooling I personal. According to her, no punishment should be given in case children choose not to attend school. Rather, she asserts that at whatever age suitable for children to vote, the right should be given. She says, â€Å"What I suggest is that children be allowed to grow into their own right to vote at whatever rate suits them individually†. The word individually helps eliminate the aspect of generalization. According to her, age limit would hinder capable children from voting. It is from this assertion that Wallace believes that children should have the right to vote. The common believe that if g iven the chance to vote children will vote in favor of their parents, in effect giving more votes to the parents should, according to Wallace, not be the case.Although many of the readers of this article consider Wallace argument thoughtful, I disagree with her point of view. In the entire essay, she presents her opinion. However, the major claim of this assertion could appear as fact or a judgment. This shows how he overlooks the Toulmin’s theory of argument. As an activist, she uses an interesting approach, which convinces many readers.... In the entire essay, she presents her opinion. However, the major claim of this assertion could appear as fact or a judgment (Cooper 5). This shows how he overlooks the Toulmin’s theory of argument (Cooper 3). As an activist, she uses an interesting approach, which convinces many readers. Despite her powerful approach, I consider her unsuccessful. Her major claim, giving children the vote, is an aspect cringed about by many children. However, her presentation is form of defense for herself and other kinds. From her view, she was discriminated since she was home schooled, a fact that brings her ideas that children should not be force to attend school, neither should they be punished for choosing not to. In her article she says, â€Å"Learning about discriminatory laws preventing high school dropouts from getting their driver’s licenses†¦ (316)† this shows how she how she discusses â€Å"Discriminatory laws†. This statement leads to a minor claim when s he says, â€Å"Punished for exercising one of the few legal decisions they now have (316)†. This is a claim for own defense. Further, it convinces the reader to belief that there is unjust treatment to young dropouts. The fact that she overlooks the personal responsibility involved in dropping out of school and the individual’s self-worth make the claim weak. She successfully uses warrant to convince readers as defined by Cooper (4). Though her emotional pleas are worth listening to, minimal facts in her case and lack of evidence make her argument unpersuasive. Further still, her writing is jumpy and the thoughts are scattered hence the entire case is hard to believe. For instance, the statistics she provides for eligible adult voters is the only strongest evidence she can rely on. From her statistics out of the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Psychology of Personality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Psychology of Personality - Research Paper Example This paper compares and contrasts the theories of two psychologists who have developed theories in the subject area. Finally this paper discusses the major differences between Intrapsychic and Interpsychic processes followed by empirical applications. Albert Ellis and Carl Rogers both agreed on utilizing the psychoanalytical approach to diagnosing and describing individual personalities and emotional intelligence. The primary difference between the two is the method through which they deployed the psychoanalytical process to solve any diagnosed problems (Curtis, 2003). Specifically, Ellis believed that rational analysis and cognitive reconstruction allowed individuals to understand their self destructive attitudes by bringing their irrational beliefs to conscious evaluation. On the other hand, Rogers was more focused on the development of the concept of the self. He observed that conditional and unconditional positive regard for the self is key to productive lifestyles that solve per sonality disorders (Curtis, 2003). These conditions of worth affect the individuals’ capacity to achieve self actualization. ... The purpose of the approach is to help clients overcome self-defeating beliefs and behaviors by demonstrating how irrational, destructive, and unhealthy they are. The fundamental principle of the theory is the fact that a person is rarely affected (emotionally) by external factors. Instead, individuals are impacted by their perceptions, attitudes, and internal monologues about the external activity (Curtis, 2003). Rational Therapy provides 3 overarching Insights (Ellis, 2003). The first is that there are activating events that precede emotional disturbances. But the activating events are evaluated within a perspective that is dysfunctional or based on irrational beliefs. The second is that the timeline that individuals acquire self defeating beliefs does not affect the individuals’ propensity to change it. Activating events can occur in a series and reaffirm the irrational beliefs (Ellis, 2003). The final insight is that patients will feel better when the feel as if they know how they became disturbed. But the acceptance of insights 1 and 2 is the internal link to the patient getting better (Ellis, 2003). Carl Rogers’ theory of the self is categorized as both a humanistic and phenomenological approach. Rogers’ articulation of his theory is both extensive and nuanced. In his attempts to empirically evaluate psychotherapy, he conducted a scientific approach out of a need to be compatible with the status quo at all times (Rogers, 1959). Rogers focuses on the development of the personality where he discusses the realization of principles instead of reaching stages. Specifically he focuses on the development of a self concept and the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Seminar in criminology Discussion 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Seminar in criminology Discussion 5 - Essay Example For example, defendants have to provide 10% of the amount to the bail bondsman that is requested by the court (Thistlethwaite & Wooldredge, 2013). Some of these bondsmen usually work together with attorneys and recommend them to their clients. Some of the attorneys recommended to clients by the bondsmen are not qualified or as experienced as a client would want. Some suspects are not allowed to make phone calls or write letters to their family. It results to delays in communication with the family members and attorneys and it interferes with the suspect’s ability get the re-trial release. A suspect’s bail gets determined after the court gets the advice from the legal counsel (Thistlethwaite & Wooldredge, 2013). The legal counsel always gives the court advice on previous bail jumping behavior for the suspect. For counsels who advise suspects not to show up to court so that they delay the trial process makes it hard for the suspect to become eligible for future pre-trial releases. On page 128, Thistlethwaite and Wooldredge (2013) assert that research on how the bail is made needs proper documentation and communicated to the defendant, the court and the public to ensure that the bail decisions made are fair. As Thistlethwaite and Wooldredge (2013) note, it ensures that the bail made is more individualized. Thistlethwaite, A., & Wooldredge, J. (2013). â€Å"Part II: Chapter 1: Pre-Conviction dispositions.† In Forty Studies that Changed Criminal Justice: Explorations into the History of Criminal Justice Research (2 ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Higher Ed

Discuss about emotional intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discuss about emotional intelligence - Essay Example icity disclosed in the article entitled â€Å"What Makes a Leader?† that a high degree of emotional intelligence is significantly linked to effective leadership in terms of exemplifying qualities or five components such as â€Å"self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill† (Goleman, 1998, p. 136). In the article, Goleman (1998) conducted studies that aimed to evaluate the specific capabilities that actually emerge as the predominant variable that singles out exemplary effective leaders. After categorizing the capabilities into technical skills, cognitive abilities, and possessing emotional intelligence, the results have revealed that leaders that are high in emotional intelligence are deemed most effective. Findings also apparently link emotional intelligence to outstanding performance, in conjunction to exemplary leadership. The five components of emotional intelligence clearly establish how possessing these traits make an ordinary leader extraordinary. Self-awareness, for instance, was defined as â€Å"the ability to recognize and understand†¦moods, emotions, and drives, as well as their effect on others† (Goleman, 1998, p. 137). Effective leaders were deemed to be honest of their own capabilities and those of others. Their abilities encompass being able to admit failures; yet possessing resiliency and the ability to maintain an optimistic stance. The other component of emotional intelligence, self-regulation, shows its direct influence to effective leadership in terms of â€Å"the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods† (Goleman, 1998, p. 136). This component likewise manifests the leaders’ ability â€Å"to think before acting† (Goleman, 1998, p. 136). There is much rationalizing done prior to decision-making. Effective leaders are good motivators; as well as they are driven by factors beyond satisfying physiological needs. As a sensitive and discerning person, a leader is able to assess the needs and drives

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Observation of Teaching English. Language Learning and Teaching Essay

Observation of Teaching English. Language Learning and Teaching Autobiography - Essay Example We have been categorized as a bilingual country, were residents speak both Arabic and English. However, majority of the people predominantly use Arabic in daily conversations, and see the need to speak in English only when communicating with non-Arabic citizens. I have dreamed of studying abroad, particularly in the United States, to pursue higher education. Early in life, therefore, I was already immensely interested in English, not only as a second language, but as a future career. I therefore pursued a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English from Jeddah Teachers' College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I remembered vividly the courses taken during my bachelor degree that included: Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, General Teaching Methods, Trends in Language Teaching, Psychological Linguistics, Education Technology, Educational Psychology, Educational Evaluation, and School Management. I graduated in 2006 and became an enthusiastic English teacher for 3 years; all have been in middle school. I am currently on my Master’s Degree level in the USA; where I have taken the following courses so far in my first year in the program: Introduction to TESOL, TESL/TEFL Methodology, American English Grammar, Materials and Media, Cross-Cultural Communication, and Introduction to Research in TESOL. My goals in completing the program are as follows: To become an effective language learner and educator and thereby, enable me to share best teaching practices in teach ing English as a second language; To be a valuable contributor through communicating my knowledge, abilities, and skills gained through the course: either through verbal means or through writing; To discern particular factors in the learning environment that would facilitate exchange of knowledge between teachers and students and therefore enhance instructional approaches in TESOL; To leave a lasting contribution in the field of TESOL by sharing relevant experiences through the journey in language learning and teaching. I recognized, that as early as 2006, students in Saudi Arabia have increasingly acknowledged that speaking in English is trendy. Checking on this trend in the current papers, I found out from Al Arabiya News (2011) that â€Å"a new growing trend among Saudi youth is to speak English to one another, in aim to look trendy, modern and professional† (par. 1). I do not want my students to learn English only to be trendy. I want my students to realize that English, as a second language, is immensely beneficial due to learning the beauty of the language, per se; as well as the different literary elements and styles that make one an effective communicator, negotiator, educator, and also a continuous

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Oppressive Legislature and the Actions of the British Essay

The Oppressive Legislature and the Actions of the British - Essay Example Many members of the clergy were torn as to which side they should choose. In some parts of the country, religion flourished, under the banner that God with the â€Å"Patriots† side. John Butler, a writer for the Department of the Interior, discussed that other churches and denominations suffered losses in attendance and, like the Anglicans, had to begin shutting their doors.1 The Quakers were by nature pacifists. They were opposed to any kind of acts of violent warfare. However, they entirely supported the colonists when they boycotted British goods. To the Quakers, this was an acceptable form of non-violent, peaceful resistance. Some Quakers were accused of being loyalists but generally, they considered themselves to not be a part of the revolution. Minorities at the time faced difficult challenges, as well. African American slaves found themselves on both sides of the revolutionary war. Many fought on the side of the â€Å"Loyalists.† However, the reasons were most likely based on the fact that the British offered to free those slaves that abandoned their â€Å"Patriot† masters. Native Americans were, also, caught in a difficult position. The Native Americans were already focused on trying to save their homeland; they hardly wanted to be caught in between the British and the Americans. They aimed to remain uninvolved in the warfare. However, eventually, the tribes were forced to make the choice. An article, in association The National Endowment of the Arts, explained that this ultimately ended with different tribes on different sides of a war that was not  theirs.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Relevant Factor in Drama and Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Relevant Factor in Drama and Poetry - Essay Example What makes poetry and drama different to other literary works is that these are delivered through performance. For these to be appreciated by the audience, people who recite the poems or who act in the drama must deliver the words according to the essential points raised by the author. It must be noted, however, that while other literary works read are subject to the interpretation of the reader, drama and poetry tend to be performed according to the elucidation of the actors and directors. As pointed out by Clugston, â€Å"drama is mimetic art† (2010, 13.1). This means that that the performers or actors make it a point to imitate life. Because of this, there is always the tendency to deliver the lines in a realistic or natural conversational manner. However, this may not always be the case as in the versions of Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Definitely, in the first production in which Shakespeare himself oversaw, the actors stuck to the lines just as the playwright created it. Roman Polanski’s 1971 film, particularly in the first part, Witches’ Opening, remained loyal to the original script. The lines â€Å"when shall we meet again, in thunder, lightning, or in rain† were delivered in the same manner that actual Shakespearean actors do (Shakespeare, Act I, Scene I). Although its setting is exactly the same as described by the playwright, it does seem unnatural for the film audience, people who have become accustomed to the listening to script being delivered in normal conversational manner. The TV adaptation produced by the BBC did not use the original script in verbatim. Instead, they developed a script that is more attuned to the tastes of the modern audience.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Infrared Film and Thermography Essay Example for Free

Infrared Film and Thermography Essay Thermogram of a traditional building in the background and a passive house in the foreground Infrared thermography (IRT), thermal imaging, and thermal video are examples of infrared imaging science. Thermal imaging cameras detect radiation in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum (roughly 9,000–14,000 nanometers or 9–14  µm) and produce images of that radiation, called thermograms. Since infrared radiation is emitted by all objects above absolute zero according to the black body radiation law, thermography makes it possible to see ones environment with or without visible illumination. The amount of radiation emitted by an object increases with temperature; therefore, thermography allows one to see variations in temperature. When viewed through a thermal imaging camera, warm objects stand out well against cooler backgrounds; humans and other warm-blooded animals become easily visible against the environment, day or night. As a result, thermography is particularly useful to military and other users of surveillance cameras. Thermography has a long history, although its use has increased dramatically with the commercial and industrial applications of the past fifty years. Government and airport personnel used thermography to detect suspected swine flu cases during the 2009 pandemic.[1] Firefighters use thermography to see through smoke, to find persons, and to localize the base of a fire. Maintenance technicians use thermography to locate overheating joints and sections of power lines, which are a sign of impending failure. Building construction technicians can see thermal signatures that indicate heat leaks in faulty thermal insulation and can use the results to improve the efficiency of heating and air-conditioning units. Some physiological changes in human beings and other warm-blooded animals can also be monitored with thermal imaging during clinical diagnostics. Thermogram of cat. The appearance and operation of a modern thermographic camera is often similar to a camcorder. Often the live thermogram reveals temperature variations so clearly that a photograph is not necessary for analysis. A recording module is therefore not always built-in. Non-specialized CCD and CMOS sensors have most of their spectral sensitivity in the visible light wavelength range. However by utilizing the trailing area of their spectral sensitivity, namely the part of the infrared spectrum called near-infrared (NIR), and by using off-the-shelf CCTV camera it is possible under certain circumstances to obtain true thermal images of objects with temperatures at about 280 °C and higher.[2] Specialized thermal imaging cameras use focal plane arrays (FPAs) that respond to longer wavelengths (mid- and long-wavelength infrared). The most common types are InSb, InGaAs, HgCdTe and QWIP FPA. The newest technologies use low-cost, uncooled microbolometers as FPA sensors. Their resolution is considerably lower than that of optical cameras, mostly 160120 or 320240 pixels, up to 640512 for the most expensive models. Thermal imaging cameras are much more expensive than their visible-spectrum counterparts, and higher-end models are often export-restricted due to the military uses for this technology. Older bolometers or more sensitive models such as InSb require cryogenic cooling, usually by a miniature Stirling cycle refrigerator or liquid nitrogen. | Thermal Energy This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2008) | Thermal images, or thermograms, are actually visual displays of the amount of infrared energy emitted, transmitted, and reflected by an object. Because there are multiple sources of the infrared energy, it is difficult to get an accurate temperature of an object using this method. A thermal imaging camera is capable of performing algorithms to interpret that data and build an image. Although the image shows the viewer an approximation of the temperature at which the object is operating, the camera is actually using multiple sources of data based on the areas surrounding the object to determine that value rather than detecting the actual temperature. This phenomenon may become clearer upon consideration of the formula Incident Energy = Emitted Energy + Transmitted Energy + Reflected Energy where Incident Energy is the energy profile when viewed through a thermal imaging camera. Emitted Energy is generally what is intended to be measured. Transmitted Energy is the energy that passes through the subject from a remote thermal source. Reflected Energy is the amount of energy that reflects off the surface of the object from a remote thermal source. If the object is radiating at a higher temperature than its surroundings, then power transfer will be taking place and power will be radiating from warm to cold following the principle stated in the Second Law of Thermodynamics. So if there is a cool area in the thermogram, that object will be absorbing the radiation emitted by the warm object. The ability of both objects to emit or absorb this radiation is called emissivity. Under outdoor environments, convective cooling from wind may also need to be considered when trying to get an accurate temperature reading. This thermogram shows a fault with an industrial electrical fuse block. The thermal imaging camera would next employ a series of mathematical algorithms. Since the camera is only able to see the electromagnetic radiation that is impossible to detect with the human eye, it will build a picture in the viewer and record a visible picture, usually in a JPG format. In order to perform the role of noncontact temperature recorder, the camera will change the temperature of the object being viewed with its emissivity setting. Other algorithms can be used to affect the measurement, including the transmission ability of the transmitting medium (usually air) and the temperature of that transmitting medium. All these settings will affect the ultimate output for the temperature of the object being viewed. This functionality makes the thermal imaging camera an excellent tool for the maintenance of electrical and mechanical systems in industry and commerce. By using the proper camera settings and by being careful when capturing the image, electrical systems can be scanned and problems can be found. Faults with steam traps in steam heating systems are easy to locate. In the energy savings area, the thermal imaging camera can do more. Because it can see the radiating temperature of an object as well as what that object is radiating at, the product of the radiation can be calculated using the Stefan–Boltzmann constant. Emissivity Emissivity is a term representing a materials ability to emit thermal radiation. Each material has a different emissivity, and it can be difficult to determine the appropriate emissivity for a subject. A materials emissivity can range from a theoretical 0.00 (completely not-emitting) to an equally-theoretical 1.00 (completely emitting); the emissivity often varies with temperature. An example of a substance with low emissivity would be silver, with an emissivity coefficient of .02. An example of a substance with high emissivity would be asphalt, with an emissivity coefficient of .98. A black body is a theoretical object which will radiate infrared radiation at its contact temperature. If a thermocouple on a black body radiator reads 50  °C, the radiation the black body will give up will also be 50  °C. Therefore a true black body will have an emissivity of Thermogram of a snake held by a human. Since there is no such thing as a perfect black body, the infrared radiation of normal objects will appear to be less than the contact temperature. The rate (percentage) of emission of infrared radiation will thus be a fraction of the true contact temperature. This fraction is called emissivity. Some objects have different emissivities in long wave as compared to mid wave emissions. Emissivities may also change as a function of temperature in some materials.[3] To make a temperature measurement of an object, the thermographer will refer to the emissivity table to choose the emissivity value of the object, which is then entered into the camera. The cameras algorithm will correct the temperature by using the emissivity to calculate a temperature that more closely matches the actual contact temperature of the object. If possible, the thermographer would try to test the emissivity of the object in question. This would be more accurate than attempting to determine the emissivity of the object via a table. The usual method of testing the emissivity is to place a material of known high emissivity in contact with the surface of the object. The material of known emissivity can be as complex as industrial emissivity spray which is produced specifically for this purpose, or it can be as simple as standard black insulation tape, emissivity 0.97. A temperature reading can then be taken of the object with the emissivity level on the imager set to the value of the test material. This will give an accurate value of the temperature of the object. The temperature can then be read on a part of the object not covered with the test material. If the temperature reading is different, the emissivity level on the imager can be adjusted until the object reads the same temperature. This will give the thermographer a much more accurate emissivity reading. There are times, however, when an emissivity test is not possible due to dangerous or inaccessible conditions. In these situations the thermographer must rely on tables. Difference between infrared film and thermography IR film is sensitive to infrared (IR) radiation in the 250 °C to 500 °C range, while the range of thermography is approximately -50 °C to over 2,000 °C. So, for an IR film to work thermographically, it must be over 250 °C or be reflecting infrared radiation from something that is at least that hot. (Usually, infrared photographic film is used in conjunction with an IR illuminator, which is a filtered incandescent source or IR diode illuminator, or else with an IR flash (usually a xenon flash that is IR filtered). These correspond with active near-IR modes as discussed in the next section. Night vision infrared devices image in the near-infrared, just beyond the visual spectrum, and can see emitted or reflected near-infrared in complete visual darkness. However, again, these are not usually used for thermography due to the high temperature requirements, but are instead used with active near-IR sources. Starlight-type night vision devices generally only magnify ambient light. Passive vs. active thermography All objects above the absolute zero temperature (0 K) emit infrared radiation. Hence, an excellent way to measure thermal variations is to use an infrared vision device, usually a focal plane array (FPA) infrared camera capable of detecting radiation in the mid (3 to 5 ÃŽ ¼m) and long (7 to 14 ÃŽ ¼m) wave infrared bands, denoted as MWIR and LWIR, corresponding to two of the high transmittance infrared windows. Abnormal temperature profiles at the surface of an object are an indication of a potential problem.[4] Thermal imaging camera screen. Thermal imaging can detect elevated body temperature, one of the signs of the virus H1N1 (Swine influenza). In passive thermography, the features of interest are naturally at a higher or lower temperature than the background. Passive thermography has many applications such as surveillance of people on a scene and medical diagnosis (specifically thermology). In active thermography, an energy source is required to produce a thermal contrast between the feature of interest and the background. The active approach is necessary in many cases given that the inspected parts are usually in equilibrium with the surroundings. Advantages of thermography * It shows a visual picture so temperatures over a large area can be compared * It is capable of catching moving targets in real time * It is able to find deteriorating, i.e., higher temperature components prior to their failure * It can be used to measure or observe in areas inaccessible or hazardous for other methods * It is a non-destructive test method * It can be used to find defects in shafts, pipes, and other metal or plastic parts[5] * It can be used to detect objects in dark areas * It has some medical application, essentially in kinesiotherapy Limitations and disadvantages of thermography * Quality cameras often have a high price range (often US$ 3,000 or more), cheaper are only 4040 up to 120120 pixels * Images can be difficult to interpret accurately when based upon certain objects, specifically objects with erratic temperatures, although this problem is reduced in active thermal imaging[6] * Accurate temperature measurements are hindered by differing emissivities and reflections from other surfaces[7] * Most cameras have  ±2% accuracy or worse in measurement of temperature and are not as accurate as contact methods [8] * Only able to directly detect surface temperatures * Condition of work, depending of the case, can be drastic: 10 °C of difference between internal/external, 10km/h of wind maximum, no direct sun, no recent rain, Applications Kite aerial thermogram of the site of Ogilface Castle, Scotland. * Condition monitoring * Digital infrared thermal imaging in health care * Medical imaging * Infrared mammography * Archaeological Kite Aerial Thermography: Kite_aerial_photography * Thermology * Veterinary Thermal Imaging * Night vision * UAV Surveillance[9] * Stereo vision[10] * Research * Process control * Nondestructive testing * Surveillance in security, law enforcement and defence * Chemical imaging * Volcanology[11][12] * Building [13] Thermal imaging cameras convert the energy in the infrared wavelength into a visible light display. All objects above absolute zero emit thermal infrared energy, so thermal cameras can passively see all objects, regardless of ambient light. However, most thermal cameras only see objects warmer than -50 °C. The spectrum and amount of thermal radiation depend strongly on an objects surface temperature. This makes it possible for a thermal imaging camera to display an objects temperature. However, other factors also influence the radiation, which limits the accuracy of this technique. For example, the radiation depends not only on the temperature of the object, but is also a function of the emissivity of the object. Also, radiation originates from the surroundings and is reflected in the object, and the radiation from the object and the reflected radiation will also be influenced by the absorption of the atmosphere.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Greatest Advantage Of Mass Media Media Essay

The Greatest Advantage Of Mass Media Media Essay The greatest advantage of mass media is the power to reach a large number of people all around the world in a very short period of time. It plays an important role in our everyday lives. Mass media influences our likes and dislikes, opinions regarding many important issues, views, behavior, our values and our style. Its primary purpose is to inform, but looking at it from the perspective of the viewer its main purpose is to entertain. On everyday basis children are being exposed to television and what is on it. Unfortunately, violence has taken over the entertainment world not only on television, but also in video games and movies. For many years massive amount of violence in media has been of great concern not just for parents, but also for researchers and psychologists. In this study my main focus is on the effects media violence has on children and how parents can approach children to reduce the effect of media violence. Before we take a further step into looking at the effects of violence in mass media let us define mass media. According to Lane, by definition, mass communication is a message created by a person or a group of people sent through a transmitting device (a medium) to a large audience or market.  [1]  To make it simpler mass media is: radio, television, film, newspapers, internet, books, video games and other devices that reach and influence people all over the world.2 The three main functions of mass media are to provide us with information and entertainment and allow us to kill boredom. As stated by Signorielli, the medium that is part of everyday life and most often used by us is the television. On average, or television set is on for more than seven hours each day. Children and older people are most likely to be exposed to more television than adolescents or adults.3 According to Signorielli, the Center for Media and Public Affairs isolated physical violence on ten channels (net work, independents and cable) during one day. Violence appeared most frequently during the afternoon (2 to 5 PM), with 191 acts per hour; early morning (6 to 9 AM), with 158 acts per hour; and prime time, with 102 acts per hour. 4 As said by Signorielli, most of the violent acts that are on television may channel the message that aggressive behaviors are not actually considered wrong. A lot of times characters who commit violence are not sorry for what they have done and they do not face any consequences for their actions. Additionally, television usually does not show the realism of violence and how things would turn out in real life for a person who has committed a crime such as stealing or murder. A lot of times violence on television is rather presented in the context of humor and comedy. Such messages may seem to be acceptable by viewers, especially children, and make them think that it is all right to follow such aggressive model behaviors.5 Researchers, who take an interest in media violence, especially televised violence, and in how it influences children, have put forward four findings: The first and perhaps most important factor is observational learning, which refers to the process through which people learn to imitate role models and types of behavior, especially if the behavior is perceived as being rewarded. This process seems to be at work not only in the imitation of televised aggression among children, but also in the influence of highly publicized murders, suicides, and prize fights among adults. The second factor is the change in attitudes that often occurs through television viewing. Studies have shown that children who watch substantial amounts of television are more likely than less avid viewers to accept aggressive behavior in other children. Other research suggests that violence on television can cultivate attitudes of suspicion and images of an extremely violent world in the minds of its viewers. A third possible factor is physiological arousal, the idea that viewers are stimulated by observing violence, to which they may nevertheless become desensitized over time, and that this arousal leads to, or is maintained by, subsequent aggressive activity. The fourth factor involves the process of justification. Many people who watch televised violence may already engage in violent behavior or possess aggressive tendencies, and may then find in television a form of justification for their actions.6 ________________________ 5 Nancy Signorielli, 33-34. 6 Brent D. Ruben and Todd Hunt, Mass Communication. Consumers and Producers, (New York; HarperCollins College Publishers, 1993), 85-86. Looking at the above findings it can be concluded that violence in media has a huge effect on children, as well as on adults. But let us not jump to conclusions and take a closer look at these situations and interpret them with greater attention to detail and with reference to facts. There is a great controversy whether media violence has any impact on childrens behavior. A single conclusion has not been reached, but enough data has been gathered to give attention to many important facts. Researchers have been investigating the effects of mass media through two leading approaches: The survey is carried out in the real world and usually consists of a large group of individuals who answer questions put to them via a questionnaire A special kind of survey, a panel survey, allows researchers to be more confident about attributing patterns of cause and effect in survey data. The panel study collects data from the same people at two or more different points in time. As a result, it is possible, using sophisticated techniques that control the effects of other variables, to see if viewing televised violence at an early age is related to aggressive behavior at a later date. The experiment is performed in a laboratory and usually consists of the controlled manipulation of a single factor to determine its impact on another factor. A special kind of experiment, a field experiment, is conducted in a real-life setting. Field experiments are more realistic than laboratory experiments but they are also harder to control.7 Media violence has not just been a concern of parents, researchers and psychologists, but also of government. All the studies that have been conducted over the years have been done so through laboratory experiments and field studies. According to the article Research on the Effects of Media Violence, hundreds of studies conducted over the years proof that exposure to media violence causes children to behave more aggressively and affects them as adults years later.8 The article also mentions that in 1956, a laboratory experiment has been conducted on 24 ___________________________ 7 Joseph R. Dominick, The Dynamics of Mass Communication; 3rd ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990), 530-531. 8 Media Awareness Network, Research on the Effects of Media Violence, (2010), . children. Researchers have divided these children into two equal groups. The research focused on children watching television, in this case cartoons and their behavior afterwards. One of the groups watched an episode of Woody Woodpecker, which contained violent acts, and the other watched an episode of The Little Red Hen, which was free of violence. Afterwards all 24 children were taken into the same room to play. The researchers have noticed that boys and girls, who have seen, Woody Woodpecker, acted more violently than children that have seen the non-violent one. Children who have seen an episode of Woody Woodpecker were more violent toward other children and were the ones to break things. The article Research on the Effects of Media Violence mentions, Jeffrey Johnson, a professor at the University of Columbia, who for 17 years has observed 707 different families in upstate New York. He started in 1975 and concluded his studies in 2002. As a result he declared that boys and girls w ho were exposed to a few hours of television on daily basis were more likely to be aggressive as adults. He stated that 60 percent of those children were more likely to get into fights and be aggressive toward others.9 As stated by Hunt, over the years the government has commissioned studies to prove that media violence contributes towards aggressive behavior in children. In the 1960s two commissions have been set up by the government the National Commission on the Cause and Prevention of Violence and the Surgeon Generals Scientific Advisory Committee on TV and Social Behavior to take up studies in how media violence affects children. Two methods, laboratory experiments and field studies, were used in those studies. As a result it has been determined that viewing violence on TV contributes to violent or aggressive behavior in viewers. 10 Going back to what the researchers have found Smith states that, observational learning, also known as social learning or modeling, is a form of learning in which people acquire new behavior by watching someone else perform that behavior. The person performing the behavior is known as the model, and the learner is known as the observer.11 Observational learning is the process of children imitating characters from TV and their behaviors. According to Dominick, the best known observational learning researcher is Albert Bandura and his experiment with a rubber doll called Bobo doll.12 ____________________________ 9 Media Awareness Network, . 10 Brent D. Ruben and Todd Hunt, 83. 11 S.E. Smith, What is observational learning?, (September 8, 2010), 12 Joseph R. Dominick, 540. Through the experiment that has been conducted in the 1960s by Albert Bnadura and his co-workers showed that violence on TV and movies were serving as a school of violence.13 As stated by Dominick, in one of the experiments, that Bandura performed, preschool children were seated in front a film in which a person acted aggressively towards a rubber doll. Children who have seen the film and were placed in the same situation with the rubber doll acted quite more violently towards the doll than those children who have not seen the film before. In recent years a similar experiment has been conducted except this time a human being dressed as a clown took over the role of the rubber doll. A large number of children attacked the clown with aggression although it was a smaller number than in the case of the rubber doll. However, this only pertains to the children who have seen the film. Those who have not seen it did not take up such actions. It has also been concluded from this experiment th at children who were given a prize for being aggressive and who saw that the people in the movie were also being rewarded for it were far more violent.14 This experiment showed that children imitate actions that they see on TV. They want to be and act alike because they think it is acceptable to do so. I think that parents play a large role here since it is their duty to talk to their children and help them distinguish right from wrong. To argue the other side of this experiment, Dominick states, there is some evidence to suggest that media violence may not be entirely responsible for aggressive behavior in children. To begin with, films that are made for such experiments, as the one with the Bobo doll, are produced especially for that experiment. They are often short in length and focus on a single situation. The film usually does not show the motives for that kind of action and the consequences that may take place after. The other point to consider is the amount of violence that children were exposed to before since it may also have an impact on how they act. If they find themselves in a surrounding that is similar, they will feel more comfortable watching it and are more likely to behave aggressively.15 Viewers who are exposed to a massive amount of media violence, according to Anderson, are more likely to think of the world as the place where violence is the only way to get what we want and that it is composed of brutality and fear. Children who are in constant contact _______________________ 13 Joseph R. Dominick, 540. 14 Joseph R. Dominick, 541. 15 Joseph R. Dominick, 541. with media violence are more likely to accept violence in other children.16 To better understand why violence in mass media may have an influence on children we have to look at the amount of time that children are being exposed to such mediums every day. In the past few years, the amount of violence in mass media has greatly increased, and the amount of time that children spent in front of the television, playing video games and watching action shows.17 According to Shapley and the survey that has been conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation, todays kids are working the equivalent of a full-time job consuming media: 7 hours and 38 minutes every day, on average. 18 These days it seems that media devices have taken over childrens lives, but that should not be a surprise since we live in a world filled with technological devices. It is more a matter of how much time parents allow their children to be exposed to such devices. Hutton stated that, the other thing that has been of great concern is that children have become masters of multitasking. They are able t o divide their attention between two or more devices at the same time.19 Counting each device separately, these kids have found a way to cram in a total of 10 hours and 45 minutes of media content into those 7 and a half hours. 20 During that time children will witness hundreds of violent acts and for many it will be difficult to tell the difference of what is real and what is fiction. According to the article Violence in Media Entertainment, two professors from Laval University, Guy Paquette and Jacques de Guise, have carried out a study from 1993 until 2001. They have examined various programs, including children programming, on six Canadian television networks. Their studies have shown that the number of violence acts on television has risen by 378 per cent that is between the years 1993 and 2001. Violence acts on television have not just increased in number, but also in quality. Media violence has become more brutal, bloodier, uglier and due to great technology more realistic.21 Many times it is shown on TV that violence is a good and adequate way to get what you ______________________ 16Craig A. Anderson, et al., The Influence of Media Violence on Youth; Vol. 4, No. 3 (December 2003), . 17Lindsay Hutton, The M2 Generation. Are Your Kids Too Dependent on the Media? 18 Dan Shapley, Kids Spend Nearly 55 Hours a Week Watching TV, Texting, Playing Video Gamesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, (January 20, 2010) 19Lindsay Hutton, 20 Lindsay Hutton, 21 Media Awareness Network (2010), Violence in Media Entertainment, want. According to the article How TV Affects your Children, youngsters are usually taught to copy the actions of good guys, but these good guys sometimes push themselves to violent acts themselves to achieve something. All parents teach their children that kicking, hitting or biting is wrong. On the other hand we see that television shows kids otherwise; it shows them that it is acceptable for good guys to do so. Who are the children to believe? All this may lead children to become confused and disorientated. Since many children want to imitate their favorite TV characters they may push themselves to aggressive behaviors to get want they want, moreover, they may feel unsafe in their environment and fear that something bad may come their way. 22 Children who are exposed to massive amounts of violence are less likely to feel any sympathy for victims of violent acts. They may get the impression that being a victim is all right. According to Cardwell and Flanagan: Under normal conditions, anxiety about violence inhabits its use. Media violence may, however, stimulate aggressive behavior by desensitizing children to the effects of violence. The more televised violence a child watches, the more acceptable aggressive behavior becomes for the child. Frequent viewing of television violence may cause children to be less anxious about violence. Therefore those who become desensitized to violence may perceive it as normal and be more likely to engage in violence themselves. 23 Due to the massive exposure of media violence children become desensitized to real acts of violence. This exposure decreases the feeling of empathy and concern towards victims of real violence. Children, who watch tremendous amount of media violence, become indifferent to media violence and in the long run to the violence and victims of violence in real life. According to Gelletly and a study that Dr. David Satcher has conducted, Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon General, media violence is a probable factor for acts of children violence. Gelletly also states that in some cases of violence there are similarities and imitations of movie characters that the children saw. Let us look at the year 1993, when a two-year-old child was kidnapped and murder by two eleven-year-old boys. This crime has occurred after the ______________________ 22KidsHealth from Nemours. How TV Affects Your Child 23 Mike Cardwell and Cara Flanagan , Psychology A2. A Complete Companion, (United Kingdom; Nelson Thomas LTD., 2004), 52. boys have seen the movie Childs Play 3. Those two eleven-year-old boys were imitating the main characters in the movie. To shortly summarize the movie is about two boys who try to kill a doll that is possessed by evil. Another incident happened in 1995, when a group of teenagers set a New York City subway employee on fire. This has been an imitation of a scene from a movie that has been released the same year as that incident took place. In 1998, a twelve-year-old from Maryland committed suicide leaving a letter citing a cartoon character, Kenny, from the show South Park. Another eleven-year-old hangs himself and it is believed that he has been triggered by Kennys character to do so. It was reported that a few days before his death he mentioned a couple of times that it is OK if he dies because he will be back and everything would be normal.24 In a way media should be blamed for all these incidents because we can see a definite connection between media violence and real-life. We do n ot know the true story behind these incidents and what really forced these children to commit such acts, but we can see that media violence had been an inspiration for them. Additionally, Gelletly states that, it would be a mistake to deny the fact that these copycat crimes are not in a small portion the result of media violence that children are being exposed to. 25 Media violence and its influence have been of concern for decades. Somewhat cautiously it can be said that media violence has affected children in the past and still is. Levine stated that, there is no question that children learn from the television shows and movies they watch.26 By far media has the greatest influence on our children since children spend more of their free time exposed to mediums than enjoying the outside or studying. However, according to Levine, parents can take action and lower the exposure of their children to violence or take part in what they are watching.27 Levine emphasis that the first step that parents should take is to limit the time that children sit in front of the television or spend time using other mediums, but most importantly parents should be a part of what their children watch. Studies have shown that shows and movies that children watch do not grab their parents attention.28 Less than half of all parents monitor __________________ 24 LeeAnne Gelletly , Violence in the Media, (Michigan; Thomson Gale Corp, 2005), 62-65. 25 LeeAnne Gelletly 62-65. 26 Madeline Levine, See No Evil. A Guide to Protecting Our Children from Media Violence, (San Francisco; Jossey-Bass Publishers 1998), 199. 25 Madeline Levine, 199. 28 Madeline Levine, 206-207. their childs television viewing. 29 Levine stated that, the only concern that parents have when it comes to watching television is the time their children stay up. It is impossible for parents to sit at all times with their children and watch television, but at least parents should get a sense of what their children are watching.30 Once parents are somewhat aware of what their children like and are interested in, they can develop a plan to help their child avoid the worst of what TV offers and enjoy the best. 31 If parents get the opportunity to watch television with their children they should bring up discussions about what they are watching. As said by Levine, the discussion could focus on how the cartoon character or the actor could solve its problems without the use of violence. Many times television avoids showing the consequences of violent behavior of its actors. This could encourage a discussion on what consequences would there be in real life.32 Parents should help their chi ldren understand right from wrong and help them realize that violence is not the answer to our problems and that what they see on television is not always acceptable in real life. Over the years hundreds of studies have been conducted and have shown that aggressive behaviors that children develop are the results of media violence that children have soaked up over the years. The massive amounts of violence that children are exposed to everyday make them think that violence is an efficient way in solving their problems and it may lead to real-life violence. Television has become the number one medium of visual violence. As it has been mentioned above children watch the same amount of television as if they were working a full-time job. The use of mediums takes up most of the time that children have for themselves during the day and the time that they should spend on other activities. Violence is everywhere whether in cartoons, movies, news, or the Internet; it has taken over the entertainment world and the world of our children. Parents should place boundaries at the amount of time that their children spend watching TV and limit the amount of media violence in th eir lives and most importantly encourage discussions on media violence. Parents should not use mediums as babysitters and they should pay attention to what their children watch, play or what websites they view online. _______________________ 29 Madeline Levine, 207. 30 Madeline Levine, 208. 31 Madeline Levine, 208. 32 Madeline Levine, 208.

Career in Quantity Surveying

Career in Quantity Surveying Quantity surveyors come in two flavors. There is the PQS, Private Quantity Surveyor, who works in professional practice and the CQS or Contractors Quantity Surveyor, who works for a building contractor. The Quantity Surveyor   is responsible for all the financial, contractual and legal aspects of a construction project.   The PQS will provide cost planning advice during the design stage of a project and then monitor the actual costs against the budgets whilst the project is being built.   Building contractors are often paid monthly in instalments on large projects and it is the quantity surveyors job to determine a fair valuation for the work that has been completed.   In addition the PQS will advise the client on a suitable form of building contract. The Contractors Quantity Surveyor will be involved in pricing work that a contractor is asked to tender for, letting packages of work to specialist subcontractors and valuing and paying for subcontractors work. In the same way that the PQS provides cost planning advice to the client the CQS provides financial advice to the building contractor. If you think you are more skilled with figures than floor plans then you might think about becoming a quantity surveyor the so called economist of the construction industry.   As a student quantity surveyor, Ruth Smart worked on the McAlpine Stadium in Huddersfield calculating the construction costs.   Listen to what she has to say about her work by clicking on her link.   Hit Back on your browser to return to this page. If you think you are more skilled with figures than floor plans then you might think about becoming a quantity surveyor the so called economist of the construction industry. As a student quantity surveyor Ruth Smart worked on McAlpine Stadium in Huddersfield calculating the construction costs. The major one of this stadium was all of these they are called banana trusses because they are shaped like bananas. The steel work that went into this stadium was very expensive. There is a lot concrete in this building as you can see all the seats. The whole structure is concrete. The seats are put on top of concrete. Steps, huge, huge money. The nicer bits are thing like you know the actual pitch, and the lights all these extras that you don’t think of which need to be priced. The line markings, everything we have to take into account everything, signage, big project. I studied quantity surveying at Leeds and years 1 and 2 was spent in the college learning, year 3 was spent on site at McAlpine Stadium and year 4 was my final year again spent in College. It wasn’t just text book stuff it was things like learning to build a brick wall. What construction was about the actual physical building of buildings. Surveyors who have been educated in Britain are viewed very well overseas. Two months after I graduated I started work out in Johannesburg, South Africa. Which was fantastic lots of exposure. Thrown in at the deep end was great running my own jobs. I became chartered June 2000. It’s good in the fact that if you wanted to set up your own practice you have to be chartered to do it for your professional indemnity insurance. It’s good also because being chartered means you are more qualified and you get a bigger salary. And also if you take a break from your career when you are chartered it’s easier to get back into your career. Team work in this sort of industry is very important because there are lots of different parties you have to communicate with and that you have to work with. The design team being architect, quantity surveyor, engineer, contractor must all work together must all communicate because without each other we couldn’t get the job done. I was attracted to the construction industry because I had never met a woman who worked within construction and it was a challenge to me. I would say to a woman who was a little bit nervous about joining the industry to go for it because I think it’s worthwhile and she’d love it like I do. Quantity Surveying Our team undertakes all types of Quantity Surveying services for a wide-ranging client base and property profile. We cover all aspects of a project, from feasibility through to overall redevelopment, consistently applying a number of firm principles. These include strict financial and risk control at all times, continuous value engineering and cost-in-use assessments. Our Services Feasibility and Planning Provision of an unambiguous statement, setting out each client’s brief and objectives. Provision of initial cost advice and an anticipated complete out-turn price. Initial estimates are later developed into detailed cost plans to monitor the ongoing cost of the design development. Identification and control of the project’s risks, which can typically include neighbouring issues, access issues, ground conditions and programme restrictions. Procurement Recommendation on the form of contract. The selection of contractors and associated tendering/negotiating processes The provision of an unambiguous, concise and complete Agreement between all parties, accurately reflecting our client’s requirements and the contractor’s proposal. Appointment of the contractor and production of contract documentation. Construction Financial monitoring, including interim payments and variation control Programme monitoring Contract operation and administration Real-time reporting on programme and out-turn costs Completion Managed possession we can negotiate and agree full, sectional or partial possession of a project Agreement of final account Supplementary services We supply a range of supplementary services, complementing our other divisional colleagues by providing specialist cost and time critical analysis to them, where they may be responsible for the overall service to the client.   Such services include: Employer’s agent, as identified by the JCT Standard Form of Contract Litigation support for disputes arising within building contracts Expert witness relating to issues of construction Cost-in-use/value engineering for alternative construction solutions Development monitoring for third parties Fire insurance valuations Planning supervision as recognised by the Health Safety Executive Capital allowance assessments for increased allowances against corporation tax Tax and VAT guidance QS Description Quantity surveyors prepare cost estimates and plans, audit projects, manage construction costs and administer construction contracts for all levels and types of construction. Quantity surveyors may perform the following tasks: talk to architects, engineers, builders, contractors, suppliers and project owners study architectural and engineering drawings and specifications prepare a Bill of Quantities, which lists the individual components required to construct the project check on changes of design to assess the effects on cost assess and recommend payment to contractors during construction prepare monthly cash-flow forecasts for clients and tax depreciation schedules undertake feasibility studies to assist in decisions about the worth of a project proceeding act as consultants to business and government. Quantity surveyors usually work in offices. They also visit building sites, clients and other members of construction teams. Personal Requirements: analytical and logical able to concentrate for long periods good oral and written communication skills able to work accurately with figures able to work as part of a team able to work independently aptitude for working with computers. RICS Increasingly, Chartered Quantity Surveyors are becoming involved when they should be: at the start of the decision-making process. The role of the quantity surveyor has changed significantly in recent years. There was a time when they tended to be brought in, too late in the day, to cost someone else’s work and ended up being wrongly cast in the role of the spoilsport who said it was all too expensive. Today the skills are largely the same but importantly the perception and understanding have changed. Increasingly, quantity surveyors become involved when they should be: at the start of the decision-making process. Whilst the primary role of a quantity surveyor remains to manage costs on building or construction sites, arguably they are just as valuable at providing ideas and creative solutions in the early stages of the project. Quantity surveyors are particularly skilled at taking the long view, assessing the options and at providing the client with a full picture on which to make decisions. Take, for example, a large new housing complex requiring an access route. When all the aesthetics and environmental issues have been considered the decision is whether to go for the shorter more direct option or for the longer one. Superficially the shorter route seems more attractive but detailed examination reveals expensive additional engineering would be required. The full job specification for a quantity surveyor would alone fill this page but typical responsibilities include: preparing cost estimates managing costs on site advising on choice of materials advising on construction techniques dealing with planning issues, building regulations, architects involvement in the procurement process providing cost and contract expertise The type of project could range from large residential or offices to motorways, water companies or a sports stadium. Alasdair Thompson is a Divisional Director of Franklin + Andrews, one of the UK’s leading firms of quantity surveyors. With ten years’ experience Alasdair has a very clear opinion of how quantity surveyors should be used: â€Å"There is no doubt our clients get the best value when they involve us at the outset. I also believe the relationship with the other professionals is much more cooperative and open with everyone listening and taking advice early on.† Quantity Surveyor: a person who measures and prices building work. In real life: Quantity surveyors are the accountants of the building profession planning and managing costs of construction projects from start to finish. Quantity surveyors (or QSs as they are known, since its a bit of a mouthful) either work for a private QS practice and act on behalf of clients or for a contracting firm which carries out construction work. This profession is certainly not all hard hats and wellies. In fact the role of the quantity surveyor has changed so dramatically in recent years that the profession doesnt always answer to the name of quantity surveying anymore! You will often see private practices referring to themselves as cost consultants and project managers because of the nature of the work they now handle. Due to the recession, QSs have had to adapt or die and there are now fewer, larger private practices than ever before taking on a broader remit of work. No longer do quantity surveyors just measure and price work, they have a more strategic role. Nowadays the QS is involved at all stages of a project from preparing tenders and planning costs to preparing final bills of quantities; essentially, making sure projects are planned and completed to cost and quality, on time. UK construction professionals are respected abroad and, partly in response to the depressed home market, many UK firms have developed an international outlook. Best bits Seeing things happen exactly as you said they would. The opportunity to have a career with commercial AND practical elements. No two projects are the same. Worst bits As with all parts of the construction industry, quantity surveying is very recession sensitive. Everyone outside the industry thinks you are an estate agent! Dont bother if Youre sensitive to jokes about counting nails. You want a nine to five career full of textbook projects. Demands Technical and business knowledge. QSs understand the building work in hand and make sure work is done in a commercially viable way. A logical mind with a down-to-earth approach to problem solving and a personality which is at ease with business executives, site employees and spreadsheets is an advantage. Teamwork Overused word, but in this business you appreciate the clients needs and work with them to achieve a satisfactory outcome. Also required is the ability to motivate and lead people on site. Flexibility Youll be required to travel to projects all over your patch (a car is often part of your salary package). Qualifications and training Most entrants follow relevant degrees or HNDs and have gained work placements in the process (sandwich courses are popular). To qualify as a chartered quantity surveyor entrants take the APC (assessment of professional qualification) run by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The APC is all about what you know and how well you can apply it. Areas of work Contracting QS Private Practice QS Contracting QS Often seen as the muddy boots side of the profession because contracting QSs are usually based in site offices although contrary to popular rumour they do not count bricks all day! The contracting QS has a budget for every project and must make sure a project stays within it. To control the purse strings the QS will: Organise work on site in the most efficient manner. Liaise with the site employees, plus employees from subcontracting organisations (smaller organisations brought in to handle particular portions of work). Negotiate with the clients QS over any price changes. Approve payments made to suppliers, employees and subcontractors. Prepare bills of quantity for work in progress and the final accounts. Private QS A private quantity surveyor is employed by a client to advise on their construction costs. Key roles for the private QS include working out the most appropriate way to meet clients needs and advising on: The site chosen. Costs of labour, plant and materials. A suitable building contractor. Once the project is up and running the QS monitors costs and negotiates with the contractors QS (agreeing payments and any changes to the original price) to ensure work is carried out to the quality specified and in the time available. Once a project is complete the services of a QS can be retained to ensure a building is managed and maintained efficiently. Quantity Surveyors National Commercial Services UK National Commercial Services specialise in the following areas Quantity Surveyors Careers in Construction Construction Consultants Construction Dispute Resolution Quantity Surveying Quantity Surveyors are concerned with financial management, measurement and accounting on construction projects. They deal with detail and tend to be highly literate and numerate and possess computer and IT skills to enable them to fulfil their responsibilities. They work on their own or within teams of other QSs or multi-disciplined professionals. They can be employed by Contractors, Subcontractors, Trade Specialists, Architects, Consulting Engineers or other companies or organisations involved in the construction process. Quantity Surveyors are trained professionals. Some will start straight from school, some will study further with a university or higher education degree in the subject. Professional qualifications can be gained through a number of institutions recognized throughout the world, examples being the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) or the Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (Inst.C.E.S.). QSs can work in all levels of the industry, from assistant and trainee through intermediate, project, senior, managing, regional and chief Quantity Surveyor levels to Company Directors. Quantity Surveyors are involved with all financial aspects of construction work and increasingly, in the role of commercial, legal and contractual specialists. In addition to the prime quantity surveying functions, many QSs have an expertise in the research, preparation, submission and negotiation of contractual claims as a part of the general responsibility for financial control and financial well-being of contracts. Quantity Surveyors work in building, civil engineering, water, process, M E and other areas of the construction industry. They usually operate in two distinct environments. Pre-contract work involves the preparation of documentation to enable work to be put out to tendering contractors on behalf of the Client. Clients include government bodies, public and private authorities, developers and others seeking to undertake construction projects. Quantity Surveyors working in this area are usually employed by Professional Quantity Surveying Practices, Consulting Engineers, Architects or other companies, practices, professionals or individuals retained by the end user to ensure that what is eventually built is what he actually requires. He is likely to work in conjunction with designers and engineers and other construction professionals. The Quantity Surveyors work includes taking off quantities from drawings prepared by others, analysing, tabulating, formulating the information to facilitate the preparation of bills of quantities, schedule of rates or other documentation chosen to enable the works to be measured and valued. In doing this, the Quantity Surveyor follows guidelines set out under various documents which form part of the contract, including the method of measurement, conditions of contract, contract specification and other particulars. He may be involved in the preparation of preambles or other documents forming part of the contract. Once the documentation is prepared, the contract can be let and the work commenced. The quantity surveyor is then concerned with Post-contract work, for either the Employer or his agents, or the Contractor carrying out the work. He may work on site or remote from site in his Employers offices. The Quantity Surveyor working on behalf of the Employer may have been involved in the pre-Contract work or he may not. His job is to ensure that the value of work carried out is properly established in accordance with the particular contractual arrangements being used, and to certify appropriate payments to the Contractor. This involves taking receipt of the Contractors interim applications for payment usually at fortnightly or monthly intervals, checking the Contractors submissions and calculations and preparing details for certification of payment by the Engineer or the Architect. The principle role of the Quantity Surveyor working for the Contractor is to look after the financial interests of his employer. He will calculate and record the financial value of the work carried out and ensure that the Contractor is paid properly and on time. During the currency of the contract, he will be involved in measurements on site and from drawings in order to establish the true value of work done in the interim period. This is usually itemised within a bill of quantities or schedule of rates prepared in advance as part of the contract documentation. He will consider variations, modified and additional works and evaluate their value for his interim applications for payment. Concurrently, he will be concluding measurement and evaluation wherever possible as part of the final measure, to be submitted later as part of the Contractors Final Account. In addition to preparing applications for payment, the site-based Quantity Surveyor is also likely to be involved in internal company reporting so that the Contractors management are kept abreast of the financial status of the project. He is likely to be involved in forecasts and budgets and other reporting systems. Another key role for the modern quantity surveyor working for Contractors, is the procurement, appointment, administration, management and payment of subcontractors. On some projects, the management of subcontract accounts is the Quantity Surveyors chief responsibility. He may also have responsibility for matters such as insurance claims on behalf of the Contractor or third party claims.